Half Marathon 21km

Half Marathon on the mountain complex of Timfi

A few words about Half Marathon 21km

The Half Marathon 21km race returns renewed!

Elevation Profile

Basic details

Participation limit

A maximum of 500 athletes can participate in the race.

Time limit

The Half Marathon 21km race has no time limits or cut off points.

Race description

The route starts from Tsepelovo High School and we move clockwise. The first 2.6km have a downhill slope on a dirt road. We continue passing over the Bridge of Hatsios and on our right we face the beginning of the Gorge of Vikos.

We ascend for the next 1.4km, reaching the 4οkm (water supply) and enter the magical new path that will lead us to the Kipoi village after 6km (10th km) where the Main Support Station is located.

We proceed for about 700m, until we meet and cross over the Tritoxon bridge and enter a path without special slopes, reaching the 12.5th km, passing over the Kokkoros Bridge.

From there begins the essential uphill of the race and after 2km (14.5km) we pass through the village of Koukouli (water supply) and then we meet the village of Kapesovo (16km).

We continue uphill again, reaching the 19th km at the point of Agios Georgios, just before we meet Skala Tsepelovou. There is an impressive downhill and technical path, from where we can already see the finish amphitheatrically.

This is the final route, which after 2km will lead us to the finish, at Tsepelovo High School from where we started.

Refreshment Stations of the Half Marathon 21km

Running especially when that includes long distances, time and effort is inextricably intertwined with energy intake. The importance of energy intake during an ultra marathon, for those who have such great racing experience, seems to be the key for a desired result, which focuses not only on performance but also on pleasure offered by the race and yet avoiding the phenomenon of survival.

Basic rationale of the group responsible for the supply of our race is to provide participants with a variety of flavors, satisfying even the most demanding requests. The selection of various food items for the refreshment stations is based on specific guidelines that allow athletes to meet their energy needs.

Particular emphasis is given on energy coverage for novice runners, who can participate without dietary protocol, preventing energy loss that could arise from the lack of racing experience.

The proposed selection and placement of items provided in the refreshment stationss designed to meet energy needs in accordance with international recommendations and the relevant scientific literature.

Each mountain race is unique, yet each and every athlete is unique. The intra-individual differences among athletes are numerous and so are their needs.

Thefort to satisfy them, at least at the energy level is an incentive for all of us.

The selection of the particular food items for the refreshment stations was based on our personal engagement with sport nutrition and the creation of similar protocols for our athletes. Your views and feedback on this issue were also taken into consideration.

  • *C.E.G.: Cumulative Elevation Gain
  • *Bar: Carbohydrates & protein bars
  • *Salty foods: Biscuits, crisps, peanuts, bread and turkey slice
  • *Soft Drinks: Cola
  • *Fruits: Watermelon or banana etc.
kmLocationZAGORI natural mineral waterIsotonic Drink Gold NutritionNomad Honey GelBar NeversecondCakeDried fruit SaltyColaDole Banana

The races route in GPX file format

You can download the Half Marathon 21km race’s route in GPX file format in order to import to your watch.