Frequently Asked Questions
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1. Big decision is taken to run in the ZMR. How do I register?
As simple as that! Just click here! Select the race you want to participate in and fill in your details, according to instructions.
2. I completed the form. Now what?
If you have entered all the information correctly, you will be redirected to the Eurobank payment gateway, where you can use your credit or debit card to complete the process. Once your payment has been verified, you will get a confirmation mail for your participation and your info is automatically added to our database.
In the same email you will also find attached your Participation Certificate (with your BiB number) as well as your invoice for your payment.
3. How much does the participation cost?
You can find details of the cost here. The amount corresponds to timing and organizing services, refreshments, finisher medal and to the official ZAGORI MOUNTAIN RUNNING t-shirt, which you will be receiving during the race. Moreover, those who will successfully finish the TeRA 80km race will receive finisher gifts.
You can see this year’s finisher gifts here.
4. The time has come. How do I get to the starting point?
Those participating in the TeRA 80km or Marathon+ 44km races will need to come to the village Tsepelovo. You can find directions here.
The rest of the participants will need to come to the village Kipi. You can find directions here.
5. Where am I going to get my BIB and equipment pack?
You have many choices. A big opening event will take place on Thursday July 18 2019 at Fifth Element Store (2 Dagli St. Ioannina), where you can get your equipment pack. If you cannot make it on Thursday, then you can easily get your pack from the ZMR Admin desk, located in Tsepelovo, on July 19-20 2019, all day long at your convenience.
6. When and where does each race start?
- TeRA 80km starts on Saturday, at Tsepelovo (High school) at 04:30.
- Marathon+ 44km also starts on Saturday, at Tsepelovo, at 06:00.
- Half Marathon 21km starts on Sunday, at Kipi (central square) at 08.00
- Entry Race starts on Sunday, at Kipi (central square) at 09.00
7. Is there a time limit?
Yes. Time limits apply to the TeRA 80km and Marathon +44km races. For the 80km race, the time limit is 20 hours after your designated start time. There are also 4 more intermediate cut off points. For more details please click here
For the 44km race, the time limit is 10 hours after your designated start time. There is a cut off point at the village Papigo (cut off time: 4 hours 30mins after your designated start time).
No time limits apply to the Half Marathon 21km and Entry Race 10km.
8. What is all about with the Criteria for the 80km & 44km races?
The ZMR Committee, for the safe conduct of the TeRA 80km and Marathon+ 44km races, has decided to impose certain “race criteria-requirements”, in order to confirm the participants’ competence and to maintain a high quality of supporting services during the race. You can read more here
9. Where can I stay during the weekend?
Local hotels and guest houses will do their best to accommodate you. For nature lovers and campers, the ZMR Committee will provide a specific camping area near the village of Tsepelovo.
10. What if I have a question?
An Info Kiosk will be available during the weekend, helping you with questions and problems you might have, near the starting/finishing point at Tsepelovo.
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